Thursday, June 19, 2008


Good morning, how do you do?
who would you like to be today?

i'd like to hide my feelings and the pain
and to make others think i'm okay.

Good day, your request is shown
and nothing's on display

i'd want to do the right thing now
but there's nothing i can say.

Good evening, how do you do?
and just how was your day?

i'd wish i'd make a break and run
but tears just come my way

Hush now, Good night, and dry your tears
till good morning the next day

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


a secret desire
a silent content
the heart catches fire
and feelings rant
stuck in the forest
nowhere to go
stuck in this prison
death on parole
a sacred encounter
not merely by chance
cut my heart open
let surgery commence

Friday, June 06, 2008


Ask not what the world needs
but what makes a man come alive
because the world needs men that come alive

Father God, only by Your Grace have i been able to live
it's all about You and connecting with You.
Can an ant understand the fullness of a human being?
so too we as Your creation fail to see the fullness of You, O King.

And i, but a instrument and a vessel for You
once again dedicate my life to Your service
to live by drawing upon Your strength
that i too, may reflect Your likeness as a man

Many things i may not understand
but this call to live life's adventure is the right path
though battles and scars await
the honour for being wounded for You is satisfaction

Words simply fail to describe how great You are

I need Your guidance daily
Help me, hear my cry O Lord.
Oh how sweet, when Thou bestows
"My Son, My Friend"