Funny Me
Here are somethings about me that i think are not usual with others.
- Everytime i see someone falling asleep, i giggle uncontrollably (ESP when headbanging)
- When i find something really funny, i laugh extremely long. (40 mins was the record)
- When i was 5 i cried cause one of my stickers got flushed away. (I gave all my belongings a form of life)
- If you've seen me eat spicy food, you'll never believe that i couldn't even eat fast food chilli sauce when i was young.
- I don't find it boring when i train on something on my own. (Basketball, Winning 11 etc.)
- People wonder why i never joined Rugby.
- I'd used to wait until it was really late then go running when there was not many people.
- I never watched or knew ANYTHING about Football until 2000 World Cup.
- When i was 7, i told the bus driver that i wasnt going back with him and took the MRT, got lost, simply went back to the right direction, didn't panic, and got home at 7pm.
- I once fell while roller blading, chipped my tooth and it GREW BACK! (All Glory to GOD)
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